Saturday, March 21, 2009



If anyone needs to start posting on his/her blog its ME. I have a blog but have not posted hardly anthing much at all, so from now on I am making a bow that whenever I am home I will do MY VERY BEST to try to post. I will not forget this bow either.

I'm here to share with you an essay that I did on abortion. You know abortion is a very horrible thing. It is taking lives away.

I am going to let you read the essay I wrote, because I would like to share with you all how I feel about abortion. Now I'm not trying to destroy your freedom. I just want to let you see this essay.


Why we should stop Abortion.
For many years now abortion has been used to stop unwanted
pregnancies, because either the baby or the mother had some kind
of disease, and the Mother did not want the baby to suffer from
the disease, The mother just didn't want to take care of the
baby, or the mother's relatives insisted that she have an
abortion because they did not want her to have to cope with a
baby. It has been said many times, that it is a woman's right
over her body. The woman should have her right to abort an
unwanted baby. I however know this is not true.
Abortion is the killing of human lives. This body we have is
not just ours. It is God's as well. He created us in his own
making. He made the man, and he made the woman. The woman does
not and should not have the right to abort her unwanted baby. If
the mother does not feel that she can take care of her baby than
she should place him or her up for adoption. That would be a much
better way to slow the problem than ending the baby's life, just
because she does not want the baby.
We have been told many many times that in the mother's womb the
baby is just a fetus. Life starts at conception. So when women
abort a fetus they are actually murdering. The sixth commandment
says, "Thou Shall not kill." We are killing when we perform an
abortion. Abortion is done in many ways. One of which is the most
horrible of them all is a suction device is placed up the
mother's cervix, and it sucks the baby into a collection jar. The
baby's skin is torn apart, the body is ripped apart, and the
whole baby's body is completely destroyed. Its just
heartbreaking to see such a thing. Its heartbreaking to even
think of the horrible thing that is killing perfectly healthy
human babies. If people knew more about what was happening to
these human babies they would totally stop abortions and more
babies would be spared.
I mean, would you want this happening to you? I don't think
anyone would want to be sucked up and torn apart. Well, these
babies are having the same thing.
Picture this if you will for a minute. You go into the abortion
clinic. You sign in, and sign a bunch of forms and you are told
to sit down. The people at the front desk talk to you about what
you will be doing. They tell you that there are other options.
There is adoption, there is having the baby and keeping it, and
loving him/her, there is also letting another family member keep
the baby and adopting it, there are so many ways that you can
have the baby and spare his/her life. Well you still want to have
the abortion. Your husband is telling you not to do it, because
he wants a son/daughter, he wants to be able to hold a baby in
his arms, and he wants to love it very much. You go through with
the procedure anyway. You go into the operating room and don a
gown. You are still going through the abortion. You then are told
to lye on the table. You do. The abortion is completed.
Afterwards you think of what you could have done. You go through
a major depression, and you may have even been so depressed that
you were suicidal. This could have been prevented. You could have
at least put the baby up for adoption. You have just taken part
in the murdering of a perfectly healthy baby that could have
been running, singing, laughing, having fun, and who could have
been an adult by now. You will never know what could have
happened had you just kept the baby right now. Abortion is the
absolute killing of babies and its going on and has been for
several years.
This is just sick how an abortion clinic can do this, and
not feel a thing or any guilt. Can you imagine what is happening
to these poor little babies that could have been spared this
horrible torcher? Just imagine it.
Please stop abortion. Its killing human life, and it is
destroying so many babies that could have been saved and could be
running and playing like children love to do. Do not shut up a
child's laughter cry, and so many other wonderful noises, and so
many good times that can be enjoyed. That is exactly what these
abortion clinicians are doing when they perform an abortion. Why
would you want to do such a thing to a human being who could grow
up, and have children, and his children can bring happiness to
him or her/ and his children can have children and so on. Stop
the killing of human lives, and start the laughter and the beauty
of human lives.
Thank you