Wednesday, November 19, 2008



How is everyone?

I am doing GREAT!

Having health issues, but that is always going to be so.


I've started a Tay-Sachs support group, that helps with children and families of children who have Tay-Sachs or even SANDHOFF disease.

the support is on YouTube.

WE ARE RAISING AWARENESS OF Tay-Sachs and Sandhoff disease because we want to help find THE CURE for the disorder.


Both forms Tay-Sachs are ALWAYS FATAL.

Sandhoff disease is a severe case of Tay-Sachs which is ALWAYS fatal in itself.

So, if Tay-Sachs disease is ALWAYS fatal, than think of how bad Sandhoff disease is.


I couldn't imagine having a child with Tay-Sachs.

Well, just to let u know, that if u have a YouTube account u can join my group.

If u DO NOT have a YouTube account and u know of a family of a child, are in a family with a child, or EVEN HAVE A CHILD with the disorder, than PLEASE GET A YouTube account.

We will give u all the support we can give u.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!

Much love and respect Peter Johann