Saturday, November 15, 2008

Cough Assist

Here is a picture of the Respironix Cough Assist.
This machine is used in the removal of secretions for patients with neuromuscular disorders such as SMA, MD or there might even have been some cases in which it has been used for children with Tay-Sachs, but I don't know.
The patient puts a mask on his/her face, and the machine is swiched on.
The machine puts posotive pressure on the lungs, and then quickly shifts to negative pressure thus removing secretions out of the lungs.
The machine is used either in automatic or manual mode.
Manual mode means that the patient controls when the machine goes into positive negative pressure. AUTOMATIC means that the machine goes into automatic and manual mode based upon settings dialed into the machine.
Each breath from positive to negative pressure represents a cycle.
A series of cycles is needed to remove secretions.
This machine is not painful but does kind of feel a little bit weird.
The machine is used in patients with a mask, a mouthpiece, OR an endotracheal/tracheostomy tube adapter.
All three interfaces basically work the same way, the only difference is that they are placed on the patient differently.
Each interface is painless, and fits snug.
The Cough Assist or In/exuflator is becoming more avalable, and it's use is known by more people. A lot of patients say that the cough assist in/exuflator is painless and has avoided hospitalization.
The Cough assist machine is easy to use and portable.
It plugs into a wall outlet, and if necessary, it can be adapted to go into a car plug that hooks up to a cigarette lighter.
Those can be purchased at your local store, or electrical store.
The cough assist machine saves lives, and SHOULD BE USED BY ALL PATIENTS WITH SMA, MD, or any other Neuromuscular disorder that reduces the ability to cough.
Thank you!
Best wishes, and love and respect to ALL PEOPLE.
Peter Johann